WeChat Channels optimized liveshopping rules to improve online-shopping service. WeChat announced to launch online retail service to increase live event’s engagement rate and stream shopping’s conversion rates.

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WeChat : an all-in-one social network

With more than 1 billion monthly active users, WeChat is one of the world’s largest messaging app. It is a comprehensive platform with many functions including group chats, live video (such as fashion show), personal shopping as well as real time livestream shopping etc.

Update of the WeChat online store

Starting from July 21, 2022, the function of “commodity displaying” will only open to Channels (just like Amazon live) e-store registers .

If users like to continue using the function “commodity displaying”, they need to register their phone number and open an e-store before November 30, 2022. WeChat “e-store” will not be accessible to Channels account users after November 30, 2022.

This rule does neither apply to mini-program users with “upgraded transaction component “, nor commodity displaying streamers.

E-commerce in China : an ultra-competitive market

WeChat Channels is working hard on its e-commerce system; it refers to TikTok’s model. It will close the loop as early as possible .

The competition of Chineses social media e-commerce platforms has become more and more intense.Will WeChat take the lead and occupy the most market share in China? Does this move change the gameplay of live shopping events ?

What change will happen in China’s e-commerce market next year ?

If you want to know more about the Chinese e-commerce market, contact STAiiRS!

We will provide you with the most professional advice according to your specific needs.