SEA in Europe

Precise matching, quick returns and traceable results for your SEA campaigns in Europe.

SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising. Unlike with organic results, which are free, companies that want to promote their business on SERPs will have to pay for that extra visibility. On SEA campaigns, ads appear on top or on prominent positions of the major search engine’s search results. This allows companies to make their brands, products and services more visible to a wide group of target audiences.


Search engine advertising is cost-effective, transparent, and an immediate method to increase website traffic, ROI and brand awareness.

In Europe, SEA managers need to identify keywords, create ad content and bid ads price with reference to clients’ products or services.  When users search for a keyword placed by advertiser, corresponding ads will be displayed within search results.

In order to create a successful SEA campaign in Europe, keep in mind the following steps:

  • First, define ad campaign’s overall objective
  • Second, choose the type of campaigns for promotion
  • Third, make the right decision on budget
  • Fourth, work on keywords (general keywords, brand keywords, product keywords, long-tail keywords, etc)
  • Fifth, analysis & adjustment. It’s a repetitive process, optimization never ends for a better result.

SEA is a complex process; it is not only about choosing the keywords and price but more about detailed analysis, constant adjustment and most importantly, expertise and experience.  STAiiRS’ SEA managers will help you handle all these aspects and guarantee a constant growth.


SEA is a must-have for any company looking to expand in Europe. Compare with SEO, the results of your SEA campaign are immediate, allowing you to:

  • maximize ROI
  • target keywords difficult to reach in SEO
  • increase traffic and sales
  • reach specific audiences
  • retarget unconverted users or loyal customers
  • raise brand awareness
  • measure and adjust actions accordingly



Our SEA experts take care of the account set-up and management, content creation and optimization. When it comes to keyword selection, we refer to real-time data to ensure that our choice is reasonable and precisely targeted. By continually working to improve keyword quality, we are able to maximize your ROI.

Account Set-up

Audit of your Google Ads account

Keywords & Content Creation

Choice of strategic keywords

Campaign Design

Creation and management of Google Ads, Bing Ads, Shopping, Youtube campaigns


Measurement and analysis of results and ROI


Customized reporting according to ad performance& KPIs


We aim to provide the most reliable and trustworthy SEA services to our international clients.


One part of our team is native from China, and the other part is from France. We therefore have the skills to understand both the Chinese and European markets, and to help international brands increase their visibility on search engines there.

Certifications & Expertise

All of our digital consultants have Google, Microsoft Ads, and Baidu certifications. Furthermore, our agency is an official Premier partner of Google, and a certified partner of TikTok.


Because we consider ROI a priority, our management is focused on performance. In addition, we constantly monitor the evolution of our clients’ SEA campaigns in order to adjust investments and increase conversions.


Interested in driving growth? Have a general question? We’re just an email away.