The spectacular growth of the camping market in China

The Chinese camping market accounted for 700 billion yuan in 2020. With an annual growth rate of 40%, it is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan in the next 5 to 10 years. At present, the number of camping trips in China has reached 360 million.

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Ctrip(China’s largest online travel agency)data shows that the growth rate of camping products has increased 800% since early 2022, and the number of chinese consumers who signed up for camping tours is more than 5 times that of 2021.

In fact, this camping fever has a lot of signs in Little RED Book (Xiaohongshu), a Chinese social platform for young people. The number of camping-related notes on Little RED Book (Xiaohongshu)has increased more than five times in 2022 compared to 2021.

Who are the Chinese travellers ?

According to the 2022 Camping Quality Consumption Research Report, young tourists(20-40 years old)are the main camping product consumers and those who favour camping holidays the most. Women are the main decision makers of camping activities.

What do you think of the camping industry in China ? Will it be the next booming thing ?

If you want to know more about the Chinese camping market, contact STAiiRS!

We will provide you with the most professional advice according to your specific needs.