Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) is one of China’s popular social media platforms, similar to Instagram. Users here enthusiastically share their shopping experiences, beauty tips, and outfit inspirations, creating user-generated content (UGC). The platform is composed of nearly 70% users who are females aged 18 to 35, residing in first and second-tier cities.

Brands can cleverly implant brand concepts by publishing interesting and unique content on the platform, and disseminate brand information to a broader audience through user-generated content. It is for this reason that Xiaohongshu has become a primary opportunity for many international brands to enter the Chinese market.

Can foreign brands set up stores on Xiaohongshu?

Yes, foreign brands can set up stores on Xiaohongshu. 

To open a store on Xiaohongshu, you need to provide the required application materials according to the platform’s guidelines and wait for the approval process. 

How to set up a store on Xiaohongshu?

  • Create a Brand Official Account and Obtain Account Verification

Brands need to register an account and go through the verification process before they can proceed to set up a store. The official account is interconnected with the store, allowing merchants to create content to convey brand values and product description. To better connect and interact with users, brands can promote products and publish content through the official account in various forms.

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  • Once official verification is obtained, the store can be opened

On the Xiaohongshu enterprise platform, merchants need to provide relevant qualification documents according to the guidelines, including company registration information and brand qualification certificates. After submitting the application, the official will verify the brand’s qualifications and compliance to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the merchant’s information. Once approved, the brand can successfully open a store and sell products on the Xiaohongshu platform.

How to promote your products on Xiaohongshu?

  • Create High-Quality Content

Utilize the key feature of the Xiaohongshu platform – aesthetically designed visual and written content sharing. The platform’s characteristics can be likened to Instagram, where high aesthetic standards for images or videos are essential to attract more user attention. Publishing premium content is crucial for engaging the audience.

  • Utilize Platform’s Special Features

Xiaohongshu provides a range of unique features such as topic discussions, challenge activities, lucky draws, and more. Brands can leverage these features to conduct interesting events, attracting user participation and increasing brand interaction. This interactivity helps boost user engagement, nurture interest in the brand, and ultimately enhance brand loyalty.

  • Collaborate with KOL/KOC

Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOC) on Xiaohongshu wield significant influence. Collaborating with them can effectively expand the brand’s reach and elevate product credibility. Partnership with KOLs/KOCs enables brands to swiftly gain user recognition, accelerating brand awareness.

  • Develop Comprehensive Marketing Strategies

To fully unleash the potential of your Xiaohongshu store, formulating a comprehensive content marketing strategy is crucial. This includes offering exclusive marketing campaigns, promptly responding to customer messages to foster interaction, paying attention to Chinese promotional dates, and collaborating with social media influencers. Implementing these strategies will contribute to increased brand exposure, attract more users, and stimulate sales growth.


As one of China’s mainstream social media platforms, implementing marketing strategies on Xiaohongshu not only helps shape a positive brand image but also enables deeper engagement with potential customers, leading to broader brand exposure and market expansion. Meanwhile, Xiaohongshu is actively fostering the development of e-commerce, providing traffic incentives for new merchants. Seizing this opportunity allows brands to tap into vast development potential in the Chinese market.

With years of expertise in the Chinese market, STAiiRS digital marketing experts welcome you to contact our professional team for detailed insights into formulating digital marketing strategies for entering the Chinese market.