Terms & Conditions
Company name: STAIIRS
Headquarter address: 41 Quai de Malakoff, 44000 Nantes
Legal form: SARL unipersonnelle
Share capital: €10,000
French SIRET: 88414805700026
Registration number in the French RCS: Nantes B 884 148 057
Individual tax identification number: FR38884148057
E-mail address: admin@staiirs.com
Phone number: +33682539873
Director of publication
Guanghui LI
E-mail address: admin@staiirs.com
Postal address: 41 Quai de Malakoff, 44000 Nantes
Phone number: +33682539873
Website host
Name of the company: OVHcloud
Mailing Address: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.
Intellectual Property
The entire STAiiRS site is protected by French and international legislation on intellectual property.
All rights of reproduction and representation are reserved.
All reproductions and representations are subject to the express and prior agreement of STAiiRS.
The non-respect of this obligation constitutes a counterfeit engaging the civil and penal liability of its author.
In the same way, it is strictly forbidden to use or to reproduce the name STAiiRS and its logo, in any capacity whatsoever, and on any support whatsoever, without the prior written agreement of our agency.
Responsibility of STAiiRS
The information communicated on the STAiiRS site is provided as an indication. STAiiRS cannot be held responsible for it. They can be modified or updated without notice.
STAiiRS cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any nature, direct or indirect, any omission or error or impossibility to access the site.
Declaration to the CNIL
This site has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). Your personal information is subject to automated processing. No data is transferred outside the European Union.
In accordance with the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Data processing, the Files and Freedoms, any person profits from a right of access, of correction and suppression on the personal data relating to it.
This right can be exercised with STAiiRS by contacting us at the following addresses:
Address: 41 Quai de Malakoff, 44000 Nantes, France
E-mail address: admin@staiirs.com
Moreover, when information is requested, it is compulsory for the processing of your file which, without it, cannot be carried out.